How to Make Virtual Classrooms Interesting?
Virtual classrooms can be boring, and students tend to lose interest very soon! Educators and people who are new to online teaching have a hard time creating an inclusive and interactive classroom environment. To keep the students interested, you need to create a …
Three Major Challenges of Virtual Classrooms and How to Overcome Them
The transition from traditional learning to an online virtual classroom is quite challenging! Due to the current pandemic, the education system has to undergo some profound changes like adapting online learning for the safety and security of students and school staff. However, this sudden …
Camu Compiler – A Hyper-Intelligent Tool for Assessments
When it comes to building an impeccable online environment, one that flawlessly supports all types of assessment criteria, it’s crucial to have special programmes in place. These programmes not only help compute question papers but also enable quick responses in the appropriate …
Top 5 Benefits of Virtual Classrooms in 2022
Virtual classrooms are the latest trend! Gone are the days of the traditional school setting! With the sudden advent of the current pandemic, educational institutes had no other option but switched to online courses. Over the last two years, online virtual classes have not just …
Camu is now part of the Gartner Peer Insights™ Customer First program for Higher Education Student Information Systems
The Gartner Peer Insights Customer First Signals Technology Providers Who Have Pledged at an Organization-level to Provide the Opportunity to Leave a Review to All Applicable Customers. Singapore, 09 Feb 2022– Camu, a leading provider of Higher Education Student Information Systems solutions, …
Camu is now a part of the Gartner Peer Insights™ Customer First program for Higher Education Student Information Systems
Our team is excited to announce that we have pledged to be a Customer First vendor in the Higher Education Student Information Systems for our product(s), Camu. Our team at Octoze technologies Pvt Ltd takes great pride in this program commitment, as …
Placement Management software
Placements are crucial for job aspirants, and so is placement management. In the digital era, one can tremendously improve the efficiency and quality of tasks by working out a strategy that involves the perfect concoction of harnessing the best out of technology …
What is School Healthcare Management Software?
A healthcare management software for students is designed to maintain all school medical records. Its database stores information about health precautions and measures against various profiles of diseases and allergies. Schools are losing time and resources through frequent paperwork and disorganized medical …
What is Human Resource Management Software, and why do schools require them?
Many educational institutions are looking to organize their work and streamline their HR processes. An online HR management software assists in maintaining all employee records in one robust database and stores information in real-time, integrating with other functional departments. What modules are …
Everything you need to know about Time Table Management
Making a timetable for students is essential for every class teacher before every academic year. The task may sound simple, but it is way too challenging. Teachers need to shuffle the learning requirements of students with the availability of tutors across all …
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