The Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Assessments
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The Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Assessments

Artificial Intelligence’s role in reimagining the way knowledge is being delivered.

This read, however, will delve into one very specific aspect of machine learning and the educational system i.e., assessments. 

Let’s take a closer look at how this cutting-edge technology is disrupting the way assessments are being conceptualized and conducted.

In particular, we’ll bring to life AI’s credible, personalized, time and cost-efficient nature.

So, how is AI currently streamlining the Examinations?

Clusters students on the basis of specific assessment criteria

AI applications can be deployed to segregate students into clusters or batches for the purpose of more focused exam governance. Several barometers are used to create this distinction. For instance, students can be grouped according to their grade, stream, subject, or learning level. Camu’s Batchwise Examination tool helps in planning and conducting exams efficiently and conveniently for each cluster after you have formed an optimal set of clusters.

Generates a mixed bag of question papers

AI-based question generation is an advanced feature that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to work on input data and render up a set of questions as output. Teachers can feed in a wide variety of information, from PDF files to video URLs, and the algorithm will autogenerate the questions. You can pick from Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks, True or False, and more.

Evaluates complex, open-ended questions

Machine learning software is capable of evaluating millions of responses to questions across multiple subjects and streams. The algorithm is sophisticated enough to critique descriptive answers and other open-ended explanations and solutions. From mathematical equations to advanced-level essays, the options for accurate evaluation are endless.

Reduces grading effort and time

Machines can be trained to accomplish certain tasks like marking tests in record time, by mining large amounts of data and identifying different patterns. This kind of automation intelligence is especially advantageous to teachers and administrators who would otherwise have to spend hours and days engaged in evaluation and grading.

Proctors examinations with higher security and accountability

As online tests grow in relevance and popularity, the need to have an AI proctoring system is vital. This is because there is a high risk of misconduct and malpractice if students are left unmonitored. AI proctoring, such as the one offered by Camu, provides a risk-free testing environment by using algorithms to monitor multiple candidates simultaneously and detect any potential violations of the examination rules. This helps in ensuring the integrity of the examination process.

Enhances student-teacher outcomes 

AI teaching assistants such as chatbots aid in enhancing one-way communication between students and teachers, as well as improving the loop of constructive criticism and feedback. By collecting and filtering real-time data from various student profiles, valuable insights can be gained, and in turn, used to better the assessment process.

Revolutionizes the assessment lifecycle 

From facial recognition and voice recognition for more efficient remote proctoring, to real-time performance analysis for higher-quality grading, AI’s benefits are far-reaching. It empowers every stage of the assessment process, be it setting question papers, computing marks, providing feedback, or generating reports. AI also eliminates the need for paper-based processes or onsite invigilators.

In the coming years, AI will open up new doors for EdTech.

It’s up to institutes to leverage the right applications, software, and systems in order to make the most of machine learning.

Are you new to AI and AI-based tools?

We, at Camu, are eager to introduce to you the wonders of this technical discipline. 

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