The Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Assessments
Artificial Intelligence’s role in reimagining the way knowledge is being delivered. This read, however, will delve into one very specific aspect of machine learning and the educational system i.e., assessments. Let’s take a closer look at how this cutting-edge technology is disrupting …
Student Information Systems:The Advantages and Considerations for Successful Implementation
Student management systems have revolutionized the educational landscape, providing teachers and students with a cost-effective and efficient platform to interact, collaborate and keep up with academic assignments. Student Information System have streamlined the student-teacher relationship and have created an environment where they …
The Future of Student Management Systems: Trends and Predictions for the Next Decade
In the ever-evolving world of educational technology, there is always something new to explore and discover. To stay on top of these developments, it’s important to keep track of the latest trends in student management systems. Recently, the trend has been moving …
The Future of Education Is Looking Smart, Savvy, and Student Driven
EdTech is the connecting glue, the binding factor, that holds various aspects of the educational system in place. And while this field of technology development has been around for almost two decades, it has only emerged as a mainstream practice since the …
EdTech in Schools vs E-Learning at Home: A Comparative Analysis
From smart boards to VR-enabled laboratories, and video-based lessons to the gamification of assessments, the use of technology within institutions is ever-increasing. EdTech deployed in classrooms not only facilitates learning but fosters collaboration and improves performance. On the other hand, as communication …
NEP-Compliant and Ready-To-Implement, Camu’s Solution an overview
The need for an inclusive, participatory and holistic education system is what led to the formulation of the National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020. With the education sector being in dire need of an upgrade and remodel, this reform couldn’t have come at …
Manage Classroom Effectively
Effective classroom management is a set of strategies and techniques teachers use to maintain a positive and organized learning environment, maximize student engagement and achievement, and minimize disruptive behavior. It involves creating clear and consistent rules, procedures, and expectations for students, establishing …
Benefits Of Institutional Accreditation For Higher Education
Introduction Institutional accreditation is an essential aspect of evaluating the calibre of higher education institutions and certifying it. It is a process that ensures that the educational programs offered by these institutions meet the established standards set by the accrediting agency. With …
EdTech Trends 2023: Reskilling and Upskilling of Employees Is Essential To Retention
Over the last 3 years, education technology has been the lifeline of learning, be it within the academic or corporate space. It has provided an accessible, cost-effective and flexible solution to those who wish to explore traditional and alternative learning opportunities. From …
EdTech Trends 2023: Gamify Your Offerings for better Tech Adoption
As an academic, you would have come across the term ‘gamification’ being used in conjunction with teaching and learning. The last 3 years, especially, have been abuzz with this keyword. But what does it mean exactly? And what impact does it have …
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